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The LIFAFA RESEARCH FOUNDATION ABBREVIATED AS “LRF” is a research organization Founded and created by Lifafa Kinge Kange on the 18th March 2020 in Buea (Headquarter), Southwest Region of Cameroon. Lifafa Research Foundation (LRF) is registered with Registration number: Reg No. 565/G.37/C84/VOLT/SAAJP done on the July 21st 2021, governed by the provisions of Law No 90/053 of 19th December 1990 on freedom of associations in Cameroon. This organization was created based on the inspiration that the change we desire is possible and achievable if we work hard on it now and use available resources judiciously and ethically.

Main Objectives

  • To carryout research, provide research mentorship and apply for grants.
  • Promote good health, raise awareness on mental health and drug addiction
  • To raise awareness and promote sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • Organize seminars and conferences for health education, skill identification, Research education, leadership and innovations for youths
  • To establish sustainable partnerships with other stakeholders and use results from research for policy advocacy and community development.

    1. Research and policy advocacy
    2. Healthy living and Mental health
    3. Sexual and reproductive health and rights
    4. Capacity building and community development
    5. Strategic partnerships


    1. Discipline
    2. Excellence
    3. Ethics and Respect
    4. Professionalism
    5. Diversity
    6. Team spirit
    7. Transparency
    8. Innovation
    9. Equality
    10. Compassion
    Lifafa Research Foundation is a non-profit and nondenominational organization which is non-discriminatory on the basis of race, religion, gender, color, birth and political inclination. LRF is mostly made up of youths and the organization’s motto is “Redefining and Promoting Research”. LRF also aims to create awareness on research, actively involve young people in research as a way of empowering them through research mentorship, capacity building seminars, workshops and conferences and to inspire them through transformational leadership. This is to equip young people with innovative and productive skills for nation building. LRF is interested in carrying out both community and clinical based projects and research to identify problems, propose innovative solutions, impact lives (especially in underprivileged communities and settings), improve and raise awareness on health (healthy living, mental health, sexual and reproductive health rights), establish sustainable partnerships with other local, national and international stakeholders and partners. Through research Lifafa Research Foundation believes that youths can use the internet responsibly in reviewing existing literature, developing and publishing research articles, using the results from research grants and projects to change the ordinary narrative in Cameroon and to present the acquired results to policy makers to assist them in making informed and evidence based decisions for nation building.
    At Lifafa research Foundation we believe that through sustainable collaboration and partnerships, we can collectively achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and invest in a safe, healthy and productive future for all Cameroonians, Africans and the world at large.


    LRF aims to transform and promote research by carrying out research and using the findings to improve health and wellbeing, educate youths to be productive for nation building, establish sustainable partnerships and to influence evidence based decision making by policy makers for nation building.


    LRF recognizes that there is the need to modify and redefine the approach and perspective of research by using evidence based results to impact positive change and improve on the life style and health of Cameroonians. LRF envisions a Cameroon where youths are very proactive in engaging in research activities in order to be empowered and educated, identify their skills, use the internet responsibly and constructively to search, publish relevant and very educative information that will enable them to be productive, innovative and influence policies in Cameroon, Africa and the world at large.





    Research and policy advocacy

    As a means of solving community problems, LRF is using scientific research as an evidence-based tool to create new knowledge while bringing out trends and patterns on key areas that can improve community health and wellbeing. Also, mindful of the fact that policies can easily be advocated for based on sound scientific evidence, we are leveraging this strength to improve health policies in Cameroon.

    Healthy living and Mental health

    We are engaged in all activities that enhance healthy living and mental health including prevention of drug abuse. Mindful of the fact that mental health issues encompass a silent pandemic, we are creating awareness in communities, schools, churches, youth gatherings, meeting groups etc through community dialogue structures and community engagement promoting healthy living amongst all age groups.

    Sexual and reproductive health and rights

    The right to equality and non-discrimination in accessing sexual and reproductive health information and health services is a fundamental human right. We are reaching out to marginalized groups like women, adolescents, IDPs and orphanages to provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for advocacy to improve their health outcomes.

    Capacity building and community development

    With our motto “Redefining and Promoting Research”, We are mentoring and building the capacity of young people in research methodology, data analysis, and article publication for young people who are taking up a career in research. Also, we train young persons in grant and project writing by harnessing the expertise of our ongoing projects. We are achieving this through seminars, conferences, workshops and skill identification symposiums that brings together young persons in our office space or through video conferencing.

    Strategic partnerships

    In the quest for the sustainability of our activities and projects, we are establishing strategic, sustainable, productive and constructive partnerships with both state and private institutions for community development and nation building. We are also building partnerships with community groups and NGOs. Sustainability is sure as we prioritize innovation, and social impact building on a foundation of mutual benefit and long-term sustainability.

    Your Financial Contribution Can Help Us Fund Critical Programs & Initiatives

    At Lifafa research Foundation we believe that through sustainable collaboration and partnerships, we can collectively achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and invest in a safe, healthy and productive future for all Cameroonians, Africans and the world at large.
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