Mental health awareness and standard basic first aid at the women's conference

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On the 3rd and 8th of March, 2022, The Lifafa Research Foundation took part in the celebration of the 37th edition of the International Day of a woman with theme” Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow ” Organized by the Brains association in partnership with the Delegation of women Empowerment and the Family South West Region, LRF, Volunteers Medical Corps and Loveworld ladies Network Buea.

160 women were empowered through capacity building seminar on Mental Health Awareness and Standard Basic First aids at the women Conference that took place on the 3rd of March, 2022
Also, we counseled, sensitized and screened close to 200 women on diabetes, blood pressure, obesity and kidney diseases during the Grand celebration that took place on the 8th of March, 2022.

Our Sincere gratitude goes to partners and volunteers for making this possible
The delegate of women empowerment and The Family South West Region.

Key Information

Project Title

Mental Health Awareness and Standard First Aid at Women's conference


3rd and 8th March

Project Beneficiaries

Women in the Buea, South West Region of Cameroon

Project Executor

Lifafa Research Foundation

Executor Contacts

+237 679466143 +237 675204799

Executor Head Office

Great soppo Buea, Southwest region, Cameroon

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