Final Project Defense With Excellent Remarks Over Universities in Cameroon
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Project description
Over some past few weeks, the Lifafa Research Foundation has been actively engaged in redefining, promoting, and providing research education and mentorship. This initiative targeted a diverse group of candidates from various health universities across Cameroon.
The activities conducted by the Lifafa Research Foundation was highly effective in fostering research skills among health university candidates in Cameroon. The high percentage of excellent and very good remarks highlights the success of the mentorship and educational strategies implemented.
Project Initiatives
- Redefining Research Education: The foundation has updated and enhanced the research education framework to better meet the needs of the candidates.
- Promotion of Research Opportunities: Efforts were made to increase awareness and participation in research programs.
- Mentorship: Personalized guidance and support were provided to candidates throughout their research journey.

- Final Project Defense: The majority of candidates successfully defended their final projects. The evaluations received were predominantly positive.
- Excellent Remarks: A significant number of candidates received 'Excellent' remarks.
- Very Good Remarks: A select few received 'Very Good' remark

Key Information
Project Title
Final Project Defense With Excellent Remarks Over Universities In Cameroon
Project Beneficiaries
The project focused on empowering final year students
Project Executor
Lifafa Research Foundation
Project Project Date
1st to 6th July 2020
Executor Contacts
+237 679466143 +237 675204799
Executor Head Office
Great soppo Buea, Southwest region, Cameroon