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About Lifafa Research Foundation

Lifafa Research Foundation (LRF) is dedicated to solving community problems through scientific research and policy advocacy. We focus on improving health policies in Cameroon by using evidence-based research and organizing short certification programs in research design and data analysis. LRF promotes healthy living and mental health awareness, providing psychological support and preventing drug abuse. We advocate for equal access to sexual and reproductive health services, especially for marginalized groups like women, adolescents, and orphans. Our capacity-building programs mentor young people in scientific research, project writing, and grant writing. Additionally, LRF establishes sustainable partnerships with state, private institutions, and community groups to ensure long-term social impact.

Objectives of the Conference

The Global Conference on Mental Health 2024 is your chance to join a vibrant community of young change-makers. Increase understanding of mental health issues and their impact on the workplace. Challenge negative stereotypes and stigma associated with mental health conditions. Advocate for legislation, policies and practices that support mental health and well-being in workplaces. Identify resources in workplaces that can promote mental health for workers. Create a supportive and inclusive working environment. Educate and encourage individuals to adopt healthy coping mechanisms and self-care practices. Attending this conference will facilitate networking between mental health professionals, employers, and employees.

Join us for a Global Mental Health Conference October2024 in Buea, Cameroon on October 12, 2024 to be a catalyst for change and drive meaningful social impact.2

Interested in submitting your abstract?

Read Submission Guide Line Below.
Submission Categories (participants can choose any mental health-related topic)

INSTRUCTION: Click on the register button below, when filling the form, and you have an abstract, you will be required to fill the abstract fields.

  • Word Limit: Abstracts should be no more than 300 words.
  • Format: Use standard font; Times New Roman; 12-point font size and 1.5 for spacing.
  • Abstract should be formatted clearly and concisely.
  • Content: Abstracts should include the following:
  • Title: A concise and informative title that reflects the topic of the abstract.
  • Authors: Full names and affiliations of all authors.

Abstract Body: A brief summary of the research, including:

  • Background: (provide context for the research)
  • The research question or objective: (State the aim of your research)
  • Methodology: (Briefly explain the methodology used in your study)
  • Results: (Summarize your findings)
  • Recommendation (offer suggestions based on your research outcomes.)
  • Keywords: Up to 5 keywords that best describe the content of your abstract

The application form must be submitted

Online before September 30, 2024, 23:59

In case of any technical issue, please send an

 Email to

Event Information

Event Organization

Lifafa Research Foundation

Event Date

October 12th 2024

Registration Deadline

September 30, 2024

Contact Support

+237 673 994 882
+237 679 466 143
+237 675 204 799


Buea, Southwest region, Cameroon

Your Financial Contribution Can Help Us Fund Critical Programs & Initiatives

At Lifafa research Foundation we believe that through sustainable collaboration and partnerships, we can collectively achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and invest in a safe, healthy and productive future for all Cameroonians, Africans and the world at large.
Please Select Form.
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